
Decommissioning Plan Timeline

With the early phases of the plan already underway, current timelines call for the entire decommissioning project to be completed towards the end of 2022 or early portion of 2023. Multiple phases of the project will run concurrently. As presented to the NJDEP, current work at the site includes:

Railroad Spur Installation

Status: Complete

With final approval of ConRail, which was received in late September, Shieldalloy’s installation of the railroad spur on the property is complete. The spur, which connects to the existing ConRail tracks adjacent to the site, will allow the regular delivery of empty rail cars and the removal of rail cars filled with material for its disposal.

Decommissioning Activities

Status: In Progress 
Projected Completion: Mid-Year 2021

These activities include waste excavation, packaging, off-site disposal of radioactive materials via rail, implementation of site restoration activities, confirmation of the removal of radioactive materials, and placement of institutional and engineering controls.

With the completion of the rail spur installation and final construction approvals by ConRail, removal of radioactive material from the site began on October 11, 2019. Ongoing activities on the site include:

  • Daily removal of radioactive material from the site via gondola-style rail cars in compliance with the Decommissioning Plan approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) in early 2017. Initial removal began on October 14, 2019.
  • As of December 9, 2019, 80 rail cars of material (soil/sediment) have been shipped from the site.

Conrail train cars are loaded with material for off-site disposal.