NJDEP Approves SMC Decommissioning Plan

On January 9, 2017, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) approved the SMC Decommissioning Plan which outlines the process of removing all of the radioactive slag from the Newfield site for either beneficial reuse or disposal outside of the State of New Jersey.

SMC currently holds Radioactive Materials License No. 517488-RAD160001 (License) authorizing the possession and storage of certain radioactive materials as a result of remediation, decontamination and/or decommissioning activities. Radiological waste generated during remedial activities will be packaged and transported off-site (via rail or truck) for disposal at a licensed low level radioactive disposal facility unless otherwise approved by NJDEP. The most recent amendment of License No. 517488 was issued on January 9, 2017, concurrent with the approval of the Decommissioning Plan.

The NJDEP press release announcing approval of the Decommissioning Plan can be found here.